About The Project
I’ve just publicly released the website, (17 June 2023).
I will strive to keep the Roadmap always updated as the main tool for you to get an answer to the most important questions you may have.
At this moment I’m evenly spreading my time on writing (of course) and getting the posts some visibility out there in the wild.
If you want to help out by sharing articles you find especially interesting, that would be amazing.
About Me
I’m Dylan Savoia, a Software and AI Engineer from Rome, Italy.
I’ve started programming pretty young, I was 12yo back then, and graduated with all the bells and whistles in “Artificial Intelligence and Robotics” following the Excellence Program of my former university, La Sapienza.
Now I work as a Software Engineer consultant which involves anything from embedded-system development to interfacing AI models on the edge.
AI is not everything I do, but knowing my way around the field allows me to be flexible on all sorts of projects and to take on opportunities that I would otherwise have to leave on the table.
The time I’m not working at my job, I’m learning about AI from papers, videos and code, keeping myself up to date on the current state-of-the-art and trends in Artificial Intelligence.
As far as I know I’m the only author here. I’m also the only web developer (this website is my best attempt), the head of the marketing department and main “artist” behind the post banners… with some AI help (please don’t hate me for this, I’m happy)
It’s not much but it’s honest work.
BTW, I love the sea and summer but the connection with this website is pure coincidence: as I was trying to understand what I wanted to write about, I realized I wanted this website to be a “safe harbor” for people to find satisfying answers and a sense of control over their future… everything followed from there.
Why Am I Doing This?
Back in University, sometimes I would be asked some question by a colleague or for some advice by younger students.
As I made my best attempt to answer, there were times in which they would brighten up, making a very specific expression on their face that I would describe as “this makes totally sense!“.
That expression made me feel useful, like nothing else on this world.
Now when I write, I strive to give you advice that can really help you get a better idea on how to move towards your goals in AI.
That makes me feel useful.
It doesn’t matter the specific topic… I had occasions to share very technical explanations, other times it was career/university advice, tips on how to pass some especially challenging exam or sharing my notes.
What mattered was having a positive impact on who I had in front of me trying my best to give reassuring and solid advice on how to solve whatever problem they were facing.
I understand that not every single article I write will change your life, but that’s my ideal… if it happens even only once that what I write is beneficial for your career/life, that’s a huge win for me.
I know nothing about you, but I’m sure that if you’re here is because you care about your future, you want to achieve things and are very serious about it.
Maybe you’re searching for financial security, especially after pandemics, wars and climate disasters have greatly challenged our trust in the future (that’s surely something that motivates me).
Or maybe you want to satisfy an innate curiosity of yours… whatever the reason, you surely have your own story and goals.
For me, I get the pleasure to spend time on something I love doing: learning about AI and technology while sharing, as clearly as I can, what I manage to understand.
That’s what I consider a win for both of us.